
What is EFT?

What Is Emotional Freedom Technique? Emotional Freedom Technique is a form of energy healing. It is often referred to as a psychological form of acupuncture without the needles.  Energy healing techniques work via the body’s energy system. EFT developed from Thought Field Therapy (TFT). An American psychologist, Dr Roger Callahan in the 1970s, studied kinesiology and Eastern health practices. He applied his knowledge to a patient called Mary.  Mary had a severe phobia of water for which conventional psychological interventions had no effect.  One day, Mary complained of nausea when she went near to water so Dr Callahan asked her to tap under the eye. This point under the eye is the Chinese acupuncture meridian for the stomach. Her nausea and her phobia both cleared up. From this discovery Dr Callahan developed TFT. Gary Craig, an early student of Dr Callahan, thought TFT was complex to use. He thought it would be more beneficial to tap on all the meridians as there were only 14 in tota